Classes Around Your Schedule

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Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC)

West Hills offers select course sections with Zero Textbook Cost. 

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Low Textbook Cost (LTC)

West Hills offers select course sections with Low Textbook Cost option.  The textbook purchase for this type of course is $40 or less.

Tip: To view short-term classes simply filter by length

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Subj (Section) Title Location Term Starts Length Status Textbook Textbook
AOJ (AOJ-003-F01) Introduction to Corrections On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open
STUDEV (STUDEV-002-F10) Career Planning On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open Zero Cost Textbook Logo ZTC
SOC (SOC-002-F01) Critical Thinking and Social Problems On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open
BUS (BUS-020-F01) Introduction to Business On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open
CD (CD-016-F01) Introduction to Curriculum On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open Zero Cost Textbook Logo ZTC
COM (COM-001-F02) Elements of Speech On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open Zero Cost Textbook Logo ZTC
ES (ES-001-F01) Introduction to Ethnic Studies On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Full/Waitlist
ENG (ENG-001A-F02) Composition and Reading On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open
ENG (ENG-003-F01) Critical Thinking and Writing On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open
HIST (HIST-017B-F01) History of the United States 1865-PRESENT On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open Zero Cost Textbook Logo ZTC
KINES (KINES-048-F01) First Aid and Safety On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open
MATH (MATH-025-F02) Introduction to Statistics On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open Zero Cost Textbook Logo ZTC
GS (GS-105-F01) Consumer Skills On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 18 Weeks Open Zero Cost Textbook Logo ZTC
ENG (ENG-002-F01) Introduction to Literature On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open
HUM (HUM-001-F01) Introduction to Western Culture On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open
COM (COM-005-F01) Interpersonal Communication On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 8 Weeks Open
NC (NC-125-F02) Intermediate Reading Writing & Speaking On Campus 2025/SP 01/13/2025 18 Weeks Open
NC (NC-130-F02) Advanced Reading Writing & Speaking On Campus 2025/SP 01/13/2025 18 Weeks Open
NC (NC-135-F02) Advanced Communication Skills for Life And Career On Campus 2025/SP 01/13/2025 18 Weeks Open
NC (NC-061-F01) Nurse Assistant Training On Campus 2025/SP 03/17/2025 9 Weeks Open
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Video Guides

Register for Classes - Using the MyWestHills App
Register for Classes - Using the Web Student Portal
How to Complete Required Agreements in Self-Service

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Class Registration Assistance
Class Registration
  • Help navigating student portal
  • How to search and enroll for classes
  • Understand the various instruction options offered
  • Solve any problems with registration

Counseling and Advising Assistance
Counseling & Advising
  • Troubleshoot registration problems
  • Review progress made toward your academic goal
  • Plan for future terms and have a clear path toward your degree or transfer options
Financial Aid Assistance
Financial Aid
  • Complete the FAFSA or CA Dream Act application or other
  • Trouble shoot and solve problems that may arise