Coalinga College
What are you waiting for? It's free to apply.
Admissions Process
Getting started at Coalinga College has never been easier! Join us for the registration and on-boarding journey.

Ready to start your higher educational journey?
Complete the Coalinga College application through CCCApply
Be sure to have the following information on-hand:
- Your address, parent contact numbers, email address, etc.
- Social Security/Residency number (if available)
- General tax info (i.e. the name of the state where your parents paid taxes last year)

You can afford College!
Let us help you find the right financial aid so you can go to college!
From grants and scholarships to loans, financial aid comes in a number of different forms from both private and government sources. Apply today to see if you qualify.

Everything you need to help you succeed!
Get familiar with the college & services available to help you succeed!
Our self-paced online student orientation is the best way to learn about the college and the services and resources available to help you succeed.

Start strong with a personalized educational plan of your journey
Schedule an appointment with a Counselor to get a customized educational plan designed to help set you on a path to success.

Lets put your Ed Plan to use and enroll in the classes you need for the coming year.
Remember at Coalinga College, you can register for your classes up to a full year in advance.
Need help? Don't worry, we are here for you!

Class Registration
- Help navigating student portal
- How to search and enroll for classes
- Understand the various instruction options offered
- Solve any problems with registration

Counseling & Advising
- Troubleshoot registration problems
- Review progress made toward your academic goal
- Plan for future terms and have a clear path toward your degree or transfer options

Financial Aid
- Complete the FAFSA or CA Dream Act application or other
- Trouble shoot and solve problems that may arise
Frequently Asked Questions
See all FAQs-
WHC Coalinga | WHC Lemoore | Firebaugh Center
West Hills Community College District
Admissions Applications
Coalinga College | Firebaugh Center
If you already have already applied for another community college, click on Sign In. Skip to Creating Account below
If you have not applied to another college, click on Create an Account
Creating Account
Creating My Account
- Enter cell phone number
- Or used personal email (example: Gmail, yahoo mail or iCloud)
Verify Your Account
- Enter 6-digit number sent to your cellphone or personal email
- Click verify email/phone number
Begin Creating My Account
- Fill out the information required
- Click Terms of Use
- Answer homeless question
- Enter your address
- Enter your legal name
- If you have two last names in your social security card, please write them down
- Date of birth
Create a password (Please Write Password Down)
Then Click on Create AccountNew College Application
- Click Start a New Application
- Choose the term you want to attend.
- From the list, select the educational goal that most closely represents why you are attending college.
- Choose your major. If you aren’t sure, pick the program you are most interested in. You can always change it with a counselor later.
- Enter your Social Security Number or decline to provide at this time
Enter Current Mailing Address
- Select my mailing address is the same as Open CCC
- If you receive mail elsewhere, you can also enter your mailing address.
Enter College Enrollment Status
Select your enrollment status from the options listed. If you aren’t sure, pick the one closest to your situation.
Enter High School Education
Look up your high school by entering the first 3-4 letters and then select your school from the list
Enter High School Transcript Information
- Enter your current GPA
- Last level of English you completed
- Last level of Math you completed
- Enter your Citizenship & Immigration Status
If you are not a permanent resident or citizen:
Born outside the United States
No Permanent Resident Card and not Naturalized
DACA, DREAMER, Undocumented:
Select No Documents
Visa holder:
Select your Visa type from the list and then enter the dates it is valid
Select the applicable military status if you or a guardian are enlisted, or choose None apply to me
- Enter your California Residence
- Enter any Out-of-State Activities
Only check the boxes if you have lived outside of California and you or your parent/guardian have engaged in one of the listed activities
Special Residency Categories
Please read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
Needs and Interest
Please read each carefully and answer accordingly
- Main Language
- Financial Assistance
- Athletic Interest
- Program & Services
Please read each carefully and answer accordingly
- Gender/Transgender
- Parent/Guardian Educational Levels
- Race/Ethnicity
Review Your Responses, acknowledgements and Submit Application
Request for Consent to Release Information
- Select I Consent
- Check the two boxes and Submit Application
- Save your CCC Apply ID for future reference
Key Information & Next Steps
OpenCCC Apply Confirmation Email
You should receive a confirmation email in the email account you entered when you created your OpenCCC Apply account above. Email usually arrives within 20-30 minutes of applying. If you don't see it, check your Spam or Social folder. -
West Hills Account Email
You will receive an additional email message from WHC Coalinga or WHC Lemoore with your one time log in link and username. If you don't receive this email, contact the Admissions Office for assistance in setting up your West Hills account. - Continue Admissions & Enrollment Process for your College
WHC Lemoore
Petition to Graduate Guide
You have reached an important milestone in your academic career - it is time to petition to
graduate! We have built this module to save you time and, in current circumstances, keep
you safe. You may now apply for graduation online – safely and conveniently from any
remote location. Here is how.View Petition to Graduate Guide
WHC Coalinga
Petition to Graduate Guide
You can apply to graduate through your student portal at the Petition to Graduate option. If you aren't sure whether you are ready to graduate or you don't see your program listed, you will need to speak with a counselor.
View Petition to Graduate Guide
Register in the Student Portal
See the video below for a quick guide on using our registration through the student portal:
Once you've completed admissions and the affidavit in Student Services, you will be eligible to complete an application for the California Community College Promise Grant, formerly known as the Board of Governors (BOG) Enrollment Fee Waiver. Dream
This will allow you to register for your classes and its paid for through the state of California
More than likely yes, we encourage all future and current West Hills students to fill out a FAFSA application. This will allow our team to evaluate your need and provide you with any financial assistance and options available to you.
We also offer a number of other options to our student which include:
- Fee waivers and book vouchers (For Those who Qualify)
- Grants and Loans
- Scholarships
- Work-Study
Visit our cost of attendance page for current information on tuition and fee waivers. Tuition rates differ based on California residency status.
The Fall semester begins mid August with Spring semester starting mid January. For official semester start for Summer, Fall, and Spring semesters please see our Academic Calendar
View Official Academic Calendar
Classes are offered Monday through Friday during the mornings, afternoons, and evenings. In addition, there is an excellent selection of courses offered online.
Lemoore College Class Schedule
Coalinga College Class ScheduleApply for Lemoore College Admissions
Apply for Coalinga College Admissions -
West Hills Community College offers certificates of completion, Associate Degrees in Arts (AA) or Sciences (AS), as well as Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADT). Students can prepare for the world of work in a matter of months, earn a degree, find employment, or transfer to a four-year university. You can also take classes to update your skills or for personal enrichment!
Not sure what program to seek? Find an Academic Program that meets your interest
We also offer a number of non-credit Skill Building Education courses for those simply looking to improve their current skill set or advance their careers.
Skill Building Education Courses
For information on the classes that universities will accept (in a specific major), consult and/or speak with your academic advisor or counselor.
Variation: What degrees and certificates are offered?
West Hills Community Colleges offer Associate Degrees in Arts (AA) or Sciences (AS), as well as Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADT), Certificates of Achievement, and Industry Certification Prep course sets in a number of academic majors.
Visit our Degrees and Certificates page for a comprehensive overview of all academic majors offered at our Colleges.
If you are not sure what academic major to pursue we also offer a personalized academic program finder which matches your interest to potential majors.
West Hills College is making it possible for students to register in advance for classes for an entire year! Students are able to register for all three semesters of the academic year at once. This will allow students to plan and guarantee their class schedule for a full academic year.
Class registration becomes available in April/May each year, allowing registrations for the following Summer, Fall, and Spring semesters - the entire academic year all at once!
Priority registration is granted based upon special factors such as active military/veteran status, membership in a special group (i.e. President's Scholars, SSS TRiO), and a number of college units completed. New students need to complete the application for admission, placement testing, orientation, and counseling.
For more information call Student Services. Here is the information for all locations:
Lemoore College: 559-925-3000
Coalinga College: 559-934-2000
Firebaugh Center 559-934-2977
Variation: When can I register for next semester?
Everyone who would like to attend one of our Colleges must complete an admissions application.
How to apply, a step-by-step view of the admissions process
After applying to one of our colleges you will be asked to have your official transcripts sent to us from any previous colleges or universities you have attended.
For more information, please see “I completed classes at another college. How do I receive credit for these courses at West Hills?”
No. If you are 18 or over, you do not need a high school diploma for admission to West Hills College.
If you are under age 18 or still in high school, you will need a special admission form which must be submitted (in person) to Student Services. Form is available on our Admissions Dual Enrollment site.
Please see our college admission pages for full details on how to apply to one of our colleges.
Variation: How do I start the admissions/registration process?
Don’t worry, going to college is not as daunting as you may think. To get started, please review our Admissions page which includes a step by step process on how to apply to one of our colleges and how to seek financial assistance.
After applying, you will be asked to complete an online student orientation to help you get familiar with our colleges and all the services available to you to help you succeed.
Should you run into any issues or have any questions feel free to contact us at any time.
The first step after applying to one of our colleges is to have your official transcripts sent to us from any previous colleges or universities you have attended.
Currently, West Hills requires official copies of transcripts from ANY institution of higher education you have attended (whether you passed classes or not) in order to grant a degree. To receive credit, the school you attended must be regionally-accredited.
Typically, your previous school will have a link on their website or portal to request your transcripts be sent to us (or directly to you). Transcripts must still be sealed to be considered official. Allow 2-3 weeks from the time you requested them for your transcripts to arrive.
Then, speak to your team counselor to request that your transcripts be evaluated and schedule a follow-up appointment to review the results. Evaluations may take up to 4-6 weeks from the time of request.
Variation: I attended another college and now want to come to West Hills. How do I begin?