Demonstrate the use of a WiFi Mesh network to provide internet access across fields for data collection.
Summary of Results
Ayrstone Productivity donated equipment that will provided WiFi access throughout the Farm of the Future for student use. Access and speed compared to cellular service in the field will be compared.
Ayrstone Agrees to:
- Provide AyrMesh Hub and equipment to provide WiFi coverage for entire Farm of the Future;
- Assist in installation of devices;
- Support in demonstration of product to students.
Coalinga College Agree to:
- Use CalSpeed or other software to demonstrate signal;
- Encourage student use in the field for data collection or class use;
- Demonstrate the AyrMesh network to visitors and tour guests.
The equipment has been evaluated by the Coalinga College IT. Equipment was scheduled for installation Spring 2020, however due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent move of all coursework online, this project was delayed.
Anecdotal Results
In process