National Suicide Prevention Month

In the United States, there are an average of 123 suicides each day. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the US. In order to be able to create awareness the entire month of September is Suicide Prevention Month.

Suicide is something that people simply don’t like to talk about, and even though society has become more open and receptive to discussions and conversations on the topic, suicide rates are still increasing. This means that the right help isn’t reaching people when they need it most. With approximately 44,000 people committing suicide in the US each year, we still have a lot of work to do.

Every year, during the month of September, mental health advocates and organizations across the country, along with families, friends and survivors of suicide come together to share their experiences in an attempt to eradicate this tragedy. Those who have been affected by suicide in one way or another know that there aren’t always concrete indications that a person might be dealing with suicidal ideation. Someone who is depressed to the point of contemplating attempting suicide might be an expert at covering up how they’re really feeling.

How to observe National Suicide Prevention Month:

  • Spread the message. Awareness is key to getting the right help to people in need. Take the time to reach out to people you know are struggling and make sure they are aware of the resources available to them, including The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Hand out suicide prevention pins or stickers, start a social media campaign, or share stores of how suicide has affected your life or the lives of those you know.
  • Volunteer at a crisis center. Provide support by volunteering at a crisis center near you. While this is something that can be done any time of the year, Suicide Prevention Month is the perfect time, and excuse, to get started.

While having an entire month dedicated to suicide prevention may seem heavy, it is important. It raises awareness to a much-needed cause. It starts a dialogue and lets those struggling to know that it’s okay to talk about. In essence it helps to remove the stigma surrounding suicide which in turn leads to change. It promotes the implementation of new programs in school and at work, and allows for help to be more accessible to those in need.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988, or 911 immediately.


For access to 24/7 non-emergent health and wellness services, sign up for TimelyCare, and get connected with a licensed professional any time, any where.

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