Child Development - Administrative

Child Development - Administrative Local Certificate

The State of California, Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing, is responsible for issuing Child Development Permits to eligible students seeking employment in State funded early childhood educational programs or other selective children’s programs. The student with the intention of securing a Child Development Permit must follow mandated course requirements as outlined by the Child Development Permit Matrix handout. To secure a copy of the Child Development Permit Matrix contact a Child Development instructor or the coordinator of the Child Development Training Consortium. There is a monetary fee paid to the Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing when se-curing the Child Development permit and as required, all course work must be passed with a grade of C or better.

The course work in this certificate helps to partially qualify a student to become a director/supervisor/administrator of a State, Federal, nonprofit, or privately owned children’s program. Courses within this certificate meet State mandated requirements. CD 14A, 14B and 22 are mandated courses for the site supervisor and program director requirements for the Child Development Permit.

It is strongly recommended students not take these courses until they have some experience working with children and adults and have completed at least 12.0 units of child development courses, which include the State mandated classes (CD 5, 10, and 12A).

Program student learning outcomes

  • Students will integrate knowledge of operating a successful child care program.
  • Students will apply administrative principles, including budgeting, conflict resolution and health and safety issues.
Course # Title Units
Required Core Courses
CD 014A Administration & Superv. of Child. Progr 3
CD 014B Adm. & Superv. of Child. Pgrm Practicum 3
CD 022 Superv. Adults Work in Child. Program 2
Computer and/or Business Electives 4
Total 12

Electives: It is recommended that students choose computer and/or business classes that meet their educational needs.