Course Descriptions

English - ENG
Course Classification

Courses numbered 1-49 — are baccalaureate level (transfer) courses. Courses thus numbered are transferable to four- year institutions. Agriculture courses are designed to parallel the work taught in similar courses at California Polytechnic State University or at California State University, Fresno but may not carry the same number.

Courses numbered 50-99 — are associate degree level courses. Courses thus numbered are primarily for the student who does not plan to continue his/her education beyond the community college level; however, occupational education courses may transfer according to articulation agreements. Complete information on articulation is available through the Counseling Center.

Courses Numbered 100-201 — are non-transfer and are non-degree applicable; they are skill building or remedial.

Abbreviations for Degree, Non-Degree, and Transfer Courses

The following abbreviations designate degree applicable, transfer, and non-degree applicable courses:
(AA) Associate Degree
(CSU) Transferable to California State University System
(UC) Transferable to University of California System
(NDA) Non-Degree Applicable

  • ENG-001A
  • Composition and Reading
  • Credit(s) 3

Composition and Reading
ENG 001A is a transfer-level course emphasizing theory and practice in reading and composition. While the reading and writing may include rhetorical patterns such as narration, description, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, etc., the majority of assignments will focus on a combination of such patterns in argumentative writing, including but not limited to pro/con, evaluative, and proposal essays. Instruction in current research methods and MLA formatting is included, culminating in either one 10-page or two-5 page research papers.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
ENG 051A (Required, Previous or concurrent).
Transfers to:
ENGL 100/110
  • ENG-001B
  • Literature/Crit Think&writing
  • Credit(s) 3

Literature, Critical Thinking & Writing
ENG 001B is designed to develop reading, critical thinking, and writing skills beyond the level achieved in English 001A. It will develop critical thinking skills through the interpretation and analysis of literature.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
ENG 001A
Transfers to:
ENGL 120/100
  • ENG-002
  • Introduction to Literature
  • Credit(s) 3

Introduction to Literature
ENG 002 introduces representative works from major genres, develops students' close reading and analytical writing skills, and promotes appreciation and critical understanding of the cultural, historical, and aesthetic qualities of literature.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
ENG 001A
Transfers to:
ENGL 120/100
  • ENG-003
  • Critical Thinking and Writing
  • Credit(s) 3

Critical Thinking and Writing
ENG 003 is designed to develop critical thinking in reading and writing. The skills developed include logical reasoning, analysis, and argumentative writing. Students will write a minimum of 6,000 words during the semester.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
ENG 001A
Transfers to:
ENGL 105/115
  • ENG-025
  • Creative Writing
  • Credit(s) 3

Creative Writing
ENG 025 provides theory and practice in the writing of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Students will gain experience in all three genres while focusing on one specific genre for their semester project. Much emphasis is placed on critiquing of peer and professional manuscripts.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
ENG 051A
Transfers to:
ENGL 200
  • ENG-051A
  • Intro. to Communication Skills
  • Credit(s) 3

Introduction to Communication Skills
ENG 051A aids students in developing the necessary skills and experiences to make them effective readers, writers, and speakers. The course provides practice in reading, in writing essays of 750 words or more, and in verbal communication. .

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
ENG 001A (Recommended, Previous or concurrent).