Agriculture Field Day

We invite you to participate in Coalinga College’s Farm of the Future Spring 2020 FFA Field Day. The March 7 event will include competition in the agricultural mechanics, agricultural welding, farm power and land judging events.

Each year the Coalinga College's Farm of the Future hosts an FFA Field Day where FFA teams throughout the Central Valley compete in specific career development events. Students who participate in our FFA Field Day will also receive a tour of our state of the art Farm of the Future and an overview of agriculture programs offered by Coalinga College.

The Field Day action will culminate with an awards ceremony for winning teams and individuals. Buckles will be awarded to first place individuals and ribbons to 1st through 5th place teams. A sweep-stakes trophy will also be awarded. Please advise students that FFA uniforms are expected.

Spring 2020 Field Day

March 7, 2020

Events: Agricultural Mechanics, Agricultural Welding ($25), Farm Power and Land Judging events
Deadlines: Registration 2/26/20; Payment 3/7/20


Coalinga College
Farm of the Future
518 W. Gale Ave., Coalinga, CA

Rules: All contests will follow Curricular Code
Dress: FFA uniform required (waist up)

Buckles for 1st place individuals, Ribbons for 1st-5th individuals and teams, and sweep­stakes trophy.



Checks payable to: West Hills Community College District or WHCCD

Mail payment to:
Coalinga College FOF FFA Field Day
West Hills Community College District
9900 Cody Ave, Coalinga, CA 93210

Schedule (All Contestants will check in at Farm of the Future Office)
6:30 AM Onsite Sign-in Begins – Advisors check in at picnic tables in front of Farm Offices. Please be sure to complete team forms and review rules and procedures for each competition.
7:30 AM Departure for Land Judging Competition (Advisors to provide transportation), approximately 1 hour of travel to contest site, contest begins at 8:30 and should return to campus by 12:00.
8:00 AM Ag Welding ($25 fee per contestant), Ag Mechanics, Land Judging and Farm Power competitions begin.
11:30 AM  Lunch ($5) begins at Rodeo Arena



Coalinga College Future Farm Field Day