- ENG-001A
- Composition and Reading
- Credit(s) 3
Composition and Reading
ENG 001A is a transfer-level course emphasizing theory and practice in reading and
composition. While the reading and writing may include rhetorical patterns such as
narration, description, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, etc., the majority of assignments
will focus on a combination of such patterns in argumentative writing, including but
not limited to pro/con, evaluative, and proposal essays. Instruction in current research
methods and MLA formatting is included, culminating in either one 10-page or two 5-page
research papers.
- Class Hours:
- 54 Lecture
- Prerequisite(s):
- ENG 051A
- Anti-Requisite - ESL 001:
- Transfers to:
- C-ID:
- ENGL 100
- ENG-002
- Introduction to Literature
- Credit(s) 3
Introduction to Literature
ENG 002 introduces representative works from major genres, develops students' close
reading and analytical writing skills, and promotes appreciation and critical understanding
of the cultural, historical, and aesthetic qualities of literature.
- Class Hours:
- 54 Lecture
- Prerequisite(s):
- ENG 001A
- Transfers to:
- C-ID:
- ENGL 120
- ENG-003
- Critical Thinking and Writing
- Credit(s) 3
Critical Thinking and Writing
ENG 003 is designed to develop critical thinking in reading and writing. The skills
developed include logical reasoning, analysis, and argumentative writing. Students
will write a minimum of 6,000 words during the semester.
- Class Hours:
- 54 Lecture
- Prerequisite(s):
- ENG 001A
- Transfers to:
- C-ID:
- ENGL 105
- ENG-006
- Early American Literature
- Credit(s) 3
Early American Literature
ENG 006 introduces students to America's literary traditions from their beginnings
to the second half of the nineteenth century. Through analysis of varied works, including
Native American tales through Colonial perspectives, students will engage in critical
thinking, gaining a deeper understanding of the early literary traditions that shaped
the country.
- Class Hours:
- 54 Lecture
- Prerequisite(s):
- ENG 001A
- Transfers to:
- C-ID:
- ENGL 130
- ENG-007
- Early British Literature
- Credit(s) 3
Early British Literature
ENG 007 introduces students to British literature, providing a chronological survey
of its development from the early Middle Ages to the late eighteenth century. Special
attention is given to critical thinking, analytical writing skills, and appreciation
of British literature through discussion and written analysis of representative works
in their historical, linguistic, and cultural contexts.
- Class Hours:
- 54 Lecture
- Prerequisite(s):
- ENG 001A
- Transfers to:
- C-ID:
- ENGL 160
- ENG-008
- Modern British Literature
- Credit(s) 3
Modern British Literature
ENG 008 surveys British literature from the late eighteenth century to contemporary
British and postcolonial texts. Explores the historical, political, and social contexts
of the works and the major themes which reflect and/or critique the social assumptions
of the times. Besides fostering an understanding of works essential to western culture,
the course examines how these works are still influential and relevant to contemporary
thought and culture.
- Class Hours:
- 54 Lecture
- Prerequisite(s):
- ENG 001A
- Transfers to:
- C-ID:
- ENGL 165
- ENG-025
- Creative Writing
- Credit(s) 3
Creative Writing
ENG 025 provides theory and practice in the reading and writing of fiction, poetry,
and creative nonfiction. Students will study great works of literature, emphasizing
the choices writers make and the impact those choices have on readers. Students will
use their understanding of writer's choices to then write their own works of literature,
gaining experience in all three genres while focusing on one specific genre for their
semester project. Emphasis is placed on critiquing of professional manuscripts and
peer review.
- Class Hours:
- 54 Lecture
- Prerequisite(s):
- ENG 001A
- Transfers to:
- C-ID:
- ENGL 200
- ENG-051A
- Intro. to Communication Skills
- Credit(s) 3
Introduction to Communication Skills
ENG 051A aids students in developing the necessary skills and experiences to make
them effective readers, writers, and speakers. The course provides practice in reading,
in writing essays of 750 words or more, and in verbal communication. .
- Class Hours:
- 54 Lecture
- Corequisite(s):
- ENG 001A