Course Descriptions

Foreign Language Spanish - FLSPN
Course Classification

Courses numbered 1-49 — are baccalaureate level (transfer) courses. Courses thus numbered are transferable to four- year institutions. Agriculture courses are designed to parallel the work taught in similar courses at California Polytechnic State University or at California State University, Fresno but may not carry the same number.

Courses numbered 50-99 — are associate degree level courses. Courses thus numbered are primarily for the student who does not plan to continue his/her education beyond the community college level; however, occupational education courses may transfer according to articulation agreements. Complete information on articulation is available through the Counseling Center.

Courses Numbered 100-201 — are non-transfer and are non-degree applicable; they are skill building or remedial.

Abbreviations for Degree, Non-Degree, and Transfer Courses

The following abbreviations designate degree applicable, transfer, and non-degree applicable courses:
(AA) Associate Degree
(CSU) Transferable to California State University System
(UC) Transferable to University of California System
(NDA) Non-Degree Applicable

  • FLSPN-011
  • Intro Span Limit Bilingual
  • Credit(s) 4

Introductory Spanish for the Limitedly Bilingual
FLSPN 011 presents current Spanish giving students the first steps to functioning more effectively in their language and culture. This first semester course is an introduction to correct Spanish for the minimally bilingual student with emphasis on writing, reading, and grammar. Expansion of basic vocabulary and the essentials of grammar are presented along with an introduction to Hispanic culture. (AA, CSU, UC) (Spanish 11 is not suggested for the monolingual student) Spanish 11 and 1 cannot both be taken for credit.

Class Hours:
72 Lecture
Limited Spanish-speaking back-ground and no schooling in Spanish either in U.S. or any Spanish speaking country, or consent of instructor
Transfers to:
  • FLSPN-012
  • Element Span/Limitedly Biling.
  • Credit(s) 4

Elementary Spanish for the Limitedly Bilingual
FLSPN 012 presents current Spanish giving students the first steps for functioning effectively in their language and culture. This second semester course continues an introduction to correct Spanish for the minimally bilingual student with an emphasis on writing, reading, and grammar. It includes expansion of basic vocabulary and the essentials for grammar, along with an introduction to Hispanic culture.(Spanish 012 is for non-Spanish speaking student. It is not suggested for the bilingual student.)

Class Hours:
72 Lecture
FLSPN 011 preliminary level schooling in a Spanish-speaking country (1-4yrs); limited Spanish-speaking background and one year of high school spanish; or consent of instructor
Transfers to:
  • FLSPN-051
  • Intro Conv Span/Personal/Prof
  • Credit(s) 3

Introductory Conversational Spanish for Personal and Professional Use
FLSPN 051 presents the essentials of grammar with an emphasis on communication for personal or professional use. Practice is designed to focus on specific vocabulary needs according to personal need or profession.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
ENG 051
  • FLSPN-052
  • Elem Conv Span Pers/Prof Use
  • Credit(s) 3

Elementary Conversational Spanish For Personal and Professional Use
FLSPN 052 builds upon FLSPN 051 and introduces further essentials of grammar with an emphasis on oral practice to develop skill in communication for personal or professional use. Practice is designed to focus on specific vocabulary needs by expanding the vocabulary of the previous course in specific areas that address professional or personal need.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
It is also recommended that the students repeat FLSPN 051 if more than one semester has elapsed since FLSPN 51 was taken
  • FLSPN-054
  • Adv Conv Span Personal/Prof
  • Credit(s) 3

Advanced Conversational Spanish Personal And Professional Use
FLSPN 054 continues presentation of the essentials of grammar with an emphasis on oral practice to develop skill in communication for personal or professional use. Practice is designed to focus on specific vocabulary needs according to professional or personal need. May be taken two times for credit.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture