Student Support Program Resources

Coalinga College CalWORKs

The Coalinga College CalWORKs Program provides support services to students receiving cash aid from any county welfare agency. Its main focus is to provide the student with academic and vocational planning, childcare assistance, employment opportunities through work-study, and referrals to on and off campus resources. To be eligible for the CalWORKs Program, you must be enrolled at West Hills College and provide verification of CalWORKs/TANF benefits.


300 W Cherry Lane, Coalinga, CA 93210 Building D Student Services


(559) 924-2355



College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)

Provides academic support services, as well as financial assistance to eligible migrant students who are admitted and enrolled on a fulltime basis with the first academic year.


300 W. Cherry Lane, Coalinga, CA 93210

Eligibility Restrictions

A student that has a migrant educational identification number; or student must be a migrant/seasonal farm worker. A student may also qualify if a parent or legal guardian of the student has worked at least 75 days in the past two years as a migrant/seasonal farm worker.


Yesenia Valle at (559) 925-3691 or



Disabled Students Program and Services (DSPS)

Coordinates academic support, counseling, registration assistance, orientation and advocates for students with disabilities with off-campus agencies. DSPS Test Proctoring.


300 W. Cherry Lane, Coalinga, CA 93210

Eligibility Restrictions

Disability Related Accommodations: The role of DSPS staff is to determine the eligibility of the student for an accommodation based on the educational limitation of the disability




Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS)

A state-funded program designed to help low-income and educationally disadvantaged students gain access to and successfully complete a program of higher education.


300 W. Cherry Lane, Coalinga, CA 93210 Student Services/Building J

900 O Street Firebaugh, CA 93622

Eligibility Restrictions

Students must demonstrate: Financial Need, Educational Disadvantage,  Enrollment in 12 or more units at time of application (with exceptions) Completed no more than 55 degree applicable units. Completed Educational Plan.


Coalinga: (559) 934-2312

Firebaugh: (559) 934-2950

Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS)


Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Achievement: MESA

Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) is changing the face of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic (STEM) field by creating and developing a new generation of STEM leaders. Our goal is to increase the number of community college students who successfully transfer to a four-year university to continue their education in STEM majors.


300 W. Cherry Lane, Coalinga, CA 93210

Eligibility Restrictions
  • You currently do not have a Bachelor's degree
  • Have declared a transfer major in a calculus-based Math, Engineering or Science field
  • You intend to transfer to a four-year institution
  • Complete educational plan from current semester through transfer
  • You agree to participate in Community College MESA program activities

Program Director Zach Soto at | 559.934.2762



Military/Veteran Support Services

Benefits Information. Connections to on and off campus resources and referrals.


300 W. Cherry Lane, CA 93210

Eligibility Restrictions

Coalinga College is approved for training of veterans, dependents of deceased veterans and children of disabled veterans under applicable Federal and State laws administered by the Veterans' Administration and the State Department of Veterans' Affairs.


Veteran Support Services



At our Coalinga Tutoring Center and our Firebaugh Center library, we will help you build better confidence to prepare you for your future goals to become an effective and empowered learner. You are welcome to explore our services below here.


300 W. Cherry Lane, Coalinga, CA 93210

900 O Street, Firebaugh, CA 


Catherine Ybarra,
(559) 934-2402

Yesenia De La Cruz,
(559) 934-2920