- The CA DREAM Act is a free application that allows eligible students interested in attending CA Colleges, Universities and Career Education programs to apply for state based financial aid. This application is unrelated to the federal DACA program.
- Opens October 1st
- Priority deadline is March 2nd
- Link to application : https://dream.csac.ca.gov/
Documents needed to file:
Dependent Student |
Independent Student |
Under the age of 24 or unmarried or no children or not an emancipated minor |
Over the age of 24 or married or has children or an emancipated minor or a ward of the court or an orphan or veteran or active duty or in a graduate program |
Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) or Social Security Number for you |
Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) or Social Security Number for you |
Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) or Social Security Number for each parent listed |
Previous year's tax information for student (if married, spouse information)and any non-reported financial information |
Previous year's tax information for student and parent(s) and any non-reported financial information |
If married, divorced, or separated: Month and year of marriage, divorce, separation |
Name as it appears on your transcripts and legal documents |
Name as it appears on your transcripts or legal documents |
If Parent(s) are married, divorced, or separated: Month and Year of marriage, divorce, or separation |
Parent(s) will need to create a PIN (Personal Identification Number) which will be unique to each student |
Selective Service Form
- 18 and 25 Undocumented male students required to register for Selective Service and show proof to the school in order to receive financial aid. Undocumented student cannot sign up online. They must complete the form (leaving the social security number blank) found on https://www.sss.gov/forms/ and mail it to the address listed. It can take 6-8 weeks to process the form and receive confirmation.
- 26 and older undocumented male students who did not register for Selective Service must provide an explanation of why they did not register. Students might be asked to submit the "Status Information Letter" from the Selective Service System found on www.sss.gov under Registration, and Men 26 and Older.
After submitting CA DREAM Act
- Verify School submitted your GPA to the California Student Aid Commission (mygrantinfo.csac.ca.gov)
- If they did not, complete the Non-SSN verification form (found on csac.ca.gov) and take to your school for them to fill out.
- Mail that document to the CA Student Aid Commission and obtain verification from the US Post Office
- Allow 2-3 weeks for the Financial Aid office to process your information and follow up through your student portal or calling them directly