Institution-Set Standards

Coalinga College has determined the following standards by which to assess the institution. Institution set standards are levels identified by Coalinga College to be acceptable. Institution-Set Standards are reviewed and assessed on a three-year cycle.

Institution Set Standards Cycle Diagram

ISS Cycle Timeline

2017-18 Initial Year of Cycle - Standards Set
2018-19 Assessment Year
2019-20 Revision/Approval Year
2020-21 Assessment Year
2021-22 Assessment Year
2022-23 Revision/Approval Year
2023-24 Assessment Year


  Institution-Set Standard (Minimum Acceptable Performance) Stretch Goal Actual Rate 2017-18 Actual Rate 2018-19

Actual  Rate    2019-20

Actual Rate 2020-21 Actual Rate 2021-22 Actual Rate 2022-23
Course Success Rate 70% 75% 73% 76% 76% 76% 76% 76%
Degrees Awarded 325 students per year 400 students per year 287 students 360 students 325 students   347 students 346 students 339 students
Certificates Awarded 300 students per year 360 students per year 254 students 266 students 143 students   312 students 325 students 294 students
Completion of Degree, Certificate of Achievement or Transfer within Three Years 25% 35% Fall 2017 Cohort 29.3% (n-size 570) Fall 2018 Cohort 29.2% (n-size 559) Fall 2019 Cohort 26.1% (n-size 568)

Fall 2020 Cohort 31.9%** (n-size 379)

Fall 2021 Cohort 26.7%** (n-size 442) Fall 2022 Cohort 7.5%** (n-size 507)
Transfers to Four-Year Institutions 350 transfers per year 450 transfers per year 261 transfers 317 transfers 376 transfers  395 transfers 398 transfers 317 transfers

**Cohort has not had a full three years to complete the metric.

Licensure Pass Rates

Institution-Set Standard (Minimum Acceptable Performance) Stretch Goal Actual Rate (2017) Actual Rate (2018) Actual Rate (2019) Actual Rate (2020) Actual Rate (2021) Actual Rate (2022)**

Psychiatric Technician









Job Placement Rates

Institution-Set Standard (Minimum Acceptable Performance) Stretch Goal 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Administration of Justice 60% 75% * * * *
Business Administration 60% 75% * * * *
Child Development 60% 80% * * *  
Psychiatric Technician 83% 90% 88% 98% 98% 86%
Welding 60% 75% * * * *

Additional details on job placement rates, including data sources and methodology can be viewed on the WHCCD Job Placement Data page

* n-size too small to calculate job placement rate

** Most recent available data as of March 2024

Note:  Data source used for Job Placement rates has changed from previous years.  Currently using CTE Launchboard data, while past data were based on Perkins Core Indicators.

Archived Documents

Learning Area ISS Data Worksheet (2020-21)
Learning Area ISS Data Worksheet (2019-20)
Learning Area ISS Data Worksheet (2018-19)
ISS Handout (2018)