Financial Aid
FAFSA Financial Aid School Codes
The school code for the West Hills College Coalinga is 001176.
If you run into any trouble when completing the online FAFSA you can call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FED-AID. If you require further assistance you can come into our financial aid offices or call 559-934-2310 (Coalinga) or 559-934-2961 (Firebaugh Center) to receive additional help.
Frequently Asked Questions
Once you've completed admissions and the affidavit in Student Services, you will be eligible to complete an application for the California Community College Promise Grant, formerly known as the Board of Governors (BOG) Enrollment Fee Waiver. Dream
This will allow you to register for your classes and its paid for through the state of California
First complete a DREAM Act Application. You may need your parents' income information and both student and parent will be required to apply for a PIN to sign electronically. Your High School will need to submit your GPA electronically. Make sure the name you used in High School matches the one you use on the application. The information on the application is not shared with third parties. Deadline is March 2nd.
Yes, every student who is applying for FAFSA is now required to have an FSA ID. You will need to apply for one so that you have a way of electronically signing your FAFSA application.
No, you can select up to ten schools to receive your FAFSA data by listing them on your application. However, do not list both Lemoore and Coalinga school codes on your FAFSA; it will only delay your financial aid.
Please only select the one you are planning on getting your degree or certificate from.
To apply for an FSA ID, please visit https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch
Click on "Create an FSA ID" tab. You will be asked to provide your name, Social Security Number, Date of Birth, and 5 challenge questions and answers.
Also, you will need to provide your email address, create a unique username, and create a password. You will use this username, email address, and password to log in to your FSA ID.
Save that information in your cell phone or on a card to keep in your wallet for future reference. You will be using your FSA ID to electronically sign your FAFSA, or other Federal Financial Aid websites.
You may receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) stating your application is rejected, or you may be informed by a Financial Aid Technician that your application is rejected.
There are a few common reasons why the Federal Processor will reject an application: Missing signatures, inconsistent marital status with income, taxes paid are equal to or higher than adjusted gross income, citizenship questions are blank, marital status and family members blank, etc.
A rejected application means that you must go back into your FAFSA application and make the necessary corrections needed to process your application. You may make corrections using your Student Aid Report (SAR) or online at https://studentaid.gov/apply-for-aid/fafsa/review-and-correct/sar-student-aid-report
WHC Lemoore (041113) | WHC Coalinga (001176)
West Hills Community College District has two distinct colleges, West Hills College Lemoore and West Hills College Coalinga. Below you can find the appropriate federal school code for each college.
Note: Do not list both Lemoore and Coalinga school codes on your FAFSA or Dream Act; it will only delay your financial aid. Please only select the one you are planning on getting your degree or certificate from.
West Hills College Lemoore School Code: 041113
West Hills College Coalinga School Code: 001176